"Hooks" Adventure Kid's Braai

 for Preschool, School, Sport Clubs, Birthday...



Our team love's to make an awesome Braai with and for Kid's. We have a lot of experience doing this.  Important is the integration from the girls and boys. We make a funny 'Adventure Braai' for and with our little guests it is like a' Braai Game'! 

Our team and the temporary teacher students take care, that no boredom appears and have a special eye on all security aspects.





Hook's Braai

"Wood Chase"

We built together the "Hook’s Braai" like the 'Pathfinder'. Sorry, Hook hid the wood for the fire. The kids have to help us! They must find the wood. The right time to start the game 'Wood Chase". Our “clever” chef followed Hook and marked the way with spoons, but she can not remember where the marks are! On the way, we have a drink on the 'Hook Bar' - the "Red Fire Water'.

We start the "Hook’s Fire'. But before we can grill our lekker food, the Braai need time.  Time for "Hook’s race" with single and group games, from "Sack race", '"Egg and Spoon Race" to the funny "Hit the Balloon'. Each Player will get a small prize.



"Hook's Race"

"Hook’s Favourite Braai"  

No is it time to go to grill. "Hook’s Favourite Braai" All Kids put different food on their own sticks and grill themselves. We will have for example: Farm Potatoes in the fire, Boerewors stick, Chicken stick, Marshmallows stick and to drink the special "Hook’s Power Punch" in tree colours. We also can offer different food for different occasions like, hamburgers, hot dogs, skewers, grilled fruits, cakes…

We eat and drink all around the fire and have great ‘jamboree’! The fire extinguishes, we all hat a nice time and it is time to say 'Good Bye".Braai4South Africa says 'Thank You" with Chefs "Hook-Braai-Certificate".

Hook's Braai Certificate



Please: Is will be nice, if the Kid's come costumed to the theme "Hook".

special arrangements and other 'Themes' on request  / 20 to 100 Kid's / Duration 4 to 6 hours / Customized program or bigger groups on request / Location and Day on request.